Accurate Timing
This example shows how to present events/trials accurately in time in a block design fMRI experiment.
This program opens a Full Screen Exclusive Mode Window and in one block it displays rapidly changing sequence of letters on an otherwise entirely blank (black) screen. In the other block, it displays only a blank screen.
Precompiled program
Precompiled program is in
which is a self running file. You can run it directly
from your browser. Alternatively, you can save the file on
your local disk and run it
with a mouse click or you can run it from a terminal (MS DOS
prompt in MS Windows) with the command
java -jar AccurateTiming.jar . Note that running the jar file doesn't require installing the psychWithJava package.
Files needed to build the project
Building and running the project
See HelloPsychophysicist
for instructions on how to build and run java projects.
Description of the project
Pure Java version Coming soon...
Matlab version
Mathematica version